Plant A Tree Challenge - World Environment Day Gallery.

Students Planting Trees on June 5

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Amith k g, 3 D

Areca nut

Areca palm is medium sized plant. The fruit is oval shaped and orange colored.

Ameya, 2 A

Curry Leaf

I planted a curry leaf plant. It helps to increase heamoglobin and also helps in digestion




Vaiga b, 4 C


I planted a mango tree. After growing it give us lot of shade .it is lot of Mango and oxygen .

Mahanya M, 2 A


Guava plant- its a plant with medicinal use.

Akshita P, 9 D


NEEM TREE Azadirachta indica, commonly known as Neem, Nimtree or Indian lilac, is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae. It is one of two species in the genus Azadirachta, and is native to the Indian subcontinent and most of the countries in Africa.

Anriya Theresa jomon, 2 C


Papaya Tree

Aaradhana. V, 4 B


I have planted a mango tree. Mango is our national fruit of India. The mango tree grows in tropical climates. Mango is rich in vitamins A - C - and D. Mango tree gives very deep shade.


Watery Rose Apple


Dev, 7 C


Tamarind is a tree. It's partially dried fruit is used to make medicine. People take tamarind for constipation liver and gallbladder problems, and stomach disorders. It is also used to treat colds and fever



MANGO TREE - Our national fruit - its scientific name is mangifera indica - its a juicy fruit is a rich source of Vitamin A C and D.

Siddharth Sanal, 4 B


Coconut tree also known as Keravruksha.All parts of the tree could be used for several purposes.Kerala got its name as it is a place with plenty of Kera vruksha.


Neem tree

I have planted a neem tree.valued as a medicinal plant.It can reach 15-30 meters In height.

Daani Oommen Jose, 6 A

Indian beach

I have planted Indian beach tree (Pongamia pinnata). It is grown for shade. Flowers are white and violet in colour. It controls soil erosion.

Sathvik sasanth, 3 A


Guava fruits are round to pear-shaped. The fruit has yellow skin and white, yellow, or pink flesh

Daksha A, 3 D


Pomegranate is a evergreen tree. It is a shrub. The tree produces bright red flowers. The fruit is a thick pink red skin. The fruit may also be used to produce juice. The seeds may be used in salads.

Hidhaya, 4 B


I have planted a guava tree

Aanshi A, 3 C


Mango is the national fruit of India and it is also called king of fruits.I planted mango tree

Adithri. M. Menon, 6 A


The trees that I had planted were bamboo and some vegetables

Faiha.S, 2 D


The papaya is a small, sparsely branched tree with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk. Raw papaya pulp contains 88% water, 11% carbohydrates, and negligible fat and protein. And papaya fruit is a significant source of vitamin C. In traditional medicine, papaya leaves have been used as a treatment for malaria and Asthma. Hence papaya is a useful plant in our daily life.

M.G Pranav, 7 A


I planted the guva tree in the garden, with the help of my father.I like guva fruit so I planted it.I want to also make the earth green.

Anaswara R, 4 A

Curry Leaf

Today I planted the Curry leaf plant.It is very useful plant.It's scientific name is Murray's koenigii Kurz.Its a small tree.Its growns up to 5m.This contains more vitamins.Its a good content of vitaminA.Its always used for cooking.It is a good medicine for stomach problems and it always used for skin diseases



Basella or Malabar spinach is a leafy green that can be easily grown in the kitchen garden. It does not require much care and maintenance. A creeper plant - Basella can be supported with a trellis or fence. It is known as 'Vallicheera' in Malayalam. It requires only organic fertilizers.

Shivanie S K, 7 D


I have planted marigold.Their flowers are usually red, orange, or yellow. Marigold grow well in sunny areas. Marigold is known as gendha.



Mango - (Mangifera indica) - member of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae) and one of the most important and widely cultivated fruits of the tropical world. The mango tree is considered indigenous to southern Asia

V.Nivetha, 4 C


I had planted Mango tree. It is our National fruit of India.Mango found in the summer season.In Mango tree we get medicines, wood, Fruits.Trees help in bringing rainfall. Save Trees Save Lives

Athulkrishnan. M, 2 D


Mango is our national fruit,Mango trees have dark coloured leaves,Various parts of mango tree serve medicinal purposes,Mango is fruit rich in vitamins C and A

Gayathri Varma VK, 8 C

Curry leaves

Curry leaf tree may be considered as a normal tree , but curry leaves are extensively used in India for culinary and Medical purposes. They are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals like vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E etc. They are powerful antioxidants. It reduces the risk of cancer, And heart diseases.

M.Rmaya Tripura, 3 A


I have planted a bael tree in the, garden with the help of my father.I planted it because I want make earth more beautiful by planting more trees.

Gautham kishore, 5 D

Star Gooseberry

Today I planted Star Gooseberry ( Phyllanthus acidus), which gives a fruit yellow in colour crispy juicy and sour in taste.It comes in between a shrub and a tree. These fruits are used as a blood purifier and appetite stimulant. It can also be used to make pickles, also can be used as a remedy for digestive issues.

Anika V Das, 3 B

Custard Apple

I planted custard apple tree. The another name of the plant sugar apple or sweatsop.

Nandika S, 4 A


I planted a Neem Tree. It is a fastes growing tree. Neem tree is used in many medicinal treatment

Abhinav M, 9 A


I had planted a Gooseberry tree . The fruit will help us to nourish our immunity . It is also a medically useful plant .

Anugrah Raj Kannan, 9 C


Pomegranate is a round fruit with thick smooth skin that is red inside and full of seeds and contain many medicinal value .Its scientific name is Punica granatum.

Saanvi.R, 3 B

Custard Apple

I planted custardapple tree. The another name of the plant sugar apple or sweatsop.



Today planted pappay plant

Ishaan Dev P, 2 D


Mango is the national fruit of India which is loved by one and all.It is a very juicy, pulpy and luscious fruit.Ripe mangoes can either be consumed raw or in the form of salad, juice, jams, milkshake or pickles.Mango is a rich source of various vitamins and minerals.Mango is also known as King of fruits.

Somatmika.P.Kana, 8 D


The mango is called the king of fruits.It can be consumed raw and ripe.The leaves and twigs of mango trees have got medicinal properties and are used to clean teeth.Various varities of mangoes are available during March to May.



Tulsi is a medicinal plant which cures many health issues like cold and cough. It's also used for devotional purpose. 2 or 3 leafs in the morning will refresh our breathing system.

dushyanth.r, 2 D


National fruit

Vaishnav. R, 4 B


Drumsticks (Moringa). It is a fast growing tree without much risk. It is a medicinal plant. Flowering begins within the first six months. It is also used for water purification. India is the largest producer of drumsticks.

Anjana. R, 3 C


Mango is the national fruit of India.Jackfruit is the state fruit of Kerala.

Anju r nair, 5 D



Rudra P Krishna, 5 A

Guava Tree

From Guavatree we get guava. It is very tasty and healthy. It is a main food of birds and squirrel.

Aniket A, 2 B


Save nature save life. all trees are treasure in our life.

Naveen pramod, 2 C


Neem tree

Adhidev.R, 2 B


Guava is a common tropical fruit cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions. Psidium guajava is a small tree in the myrtle family, native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America




Aswin Dev D S, 6 A


I have planted a jackfruit tree.Jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world.The jackfruit tree is 15 to 20 metres tall at maturity and has large stiff glossy green leaves about 15 to 20 cm long.

Abdullah. F, 4 B

Curry leaf

This trees leaves are for bojth and culinary applications.

Aadhidev R, 2 A

Curry Leaf

I have planted curry leaf tree. It provides potent antioxidant. It is rich in powerful plant compounds. It reduces heart disease risk factors. It has anticancer effects.

Dhanvanth A, 2 C


Mango tree

Ardhra s, 2 B


Neem tree is also called nim or is a fast growing tree, source of organic pesticides and for it's is long been used in ayurvedic and in organic farming applications.

Bhoomika.s, 3 C


I have planted Indian goosebery tree

Jincy Maria M, 10 B


I have planted a mango tree. Scientific name: Mangifera northeastern India

Akshaj. C, 3 A


Mango tree gives us mango, shadow, breeze, shelter to birds.

Krishnaveni Indrajith, 6 D


Fruit plant

Joshna N, 6 D


I did my part by planting the Amla (nellikka) tree, it's fruit is of high medicinal value and plays a significant role in building a strong immune system for our body.



Mango is very sweet and tasty. Mango is our national fruit. The mango is the king of fruits. When this plant grows up it will give us fruits and it will give shade, oxygen and shelter to birds. Thank you.

Heinrich Scaria Richard, 4 B


Guava is a common tropical fruit.It is very delicious and packed with nutrients.



Arinellikka as called in Malayalam actually is star Gooseberry.This fruit falls in gooseberry group but smaller and little bit sour in taste.

Ayana u, 7 C


The botanical name of neem tree is Azadirachta indica. All parts of neem tree is used as antisemitic, antifungal ,anti-bacterial,contraceptive and sedative

Sameeksha A, 5 A

Jack fruit tree and Mango tree

Jack fruit is the state fruit of Kerala.It bears the largest fruit of all trees.Jack fruit is naturally sweet in taste and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Mango trees are very commonly cultivated in our country.Mangoes are harvested across the months of April and May.Mango is the national fruit of India.It is called the King of all the fruits.

Ashirvad, 6 C


On world enviornment day I have planted a mango tree On my backyard of my house I will make sure that it will grow and become a big mango tree and will give fruits to me and my neighbors and shelter to many birds and other lifes

Amitha A, 10 B


I've planted a Jackfruit Tree as part of ' Plant a Tree ' challenge. Jackfruit is a good source of fibre and people eat the fruit and seeds of this tree as food or as medicine. It's wood can also be used to make furnitures.

Amith.E.S, 3 D


Jack fruit is the state fruit of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Jack fruit is the source of vitamins, minerals and fibres.



I planted a neem tree.It is a tree with lot of medicinal values.

Vidhyslakshmi . M, 5 A

Mango tree

As you can see I have planted Mango tree . After few months it will give delicious Mango fruit's . It is also used to make pickles . Mango is our national fruit .

Aaron Rajeesh, 2 D


Today I have planted Mango tree. It's Scientific name is Mangifera Indica. The mango is the National fruit of India. Mangoes are rich in Vitamin C, which is important for forming blood vessels and healthy collagen.

Rakesh K.S, 6 A

Arale flower

I have planted arale flower

Sreehari. M, 4 C

I plant Sapota tree

Sapota tree is commonly known as Chikoo. It is sweet frouit. It is very healthy frouit. Chikoo is an evergreen tree. It lives for long. Chikoo is a tropical frouit

Abhinav. S. Nair, 5 D


Mango is known as the king of fruits. It is very tasty to eat. It gives us shade and oxygen.

Prasanna SJ, 4 A


Guavas contain 4 times more fiber than a pineapple and 4 times more vitamin C than an orange. Guavas are known for their seedy flesh. In the center of a guava there are between 100-500 edible seeds. Guavas grow on 20 foot high evergreen shrubs - with white flowers.

Abhijith R, 10 C


It is a tree which is very useful .It gives us it's fruit ,it's leaves which we can use an ingredient for making curry. It gives us oxygen and it's wood is very weightless.

Dhyaan Siva s, 6 A


Tamarind tree produces brown pod - like fruit that is very sweet.There are two types of tamarind trees sugar and sour .Tamarind helps to reduce fat . Tamarind leaves are used as herbal. Sweet tamarind is good for heart and also good for skin .

Punya R, 5 D

Neem tree

I planted a Neem tree It is a medicinal plant It purify our air as fresh..

Devarsh das.v, 3 C


mango fruit is our national fruit.

Sreelakshmi.K, 5 A


The mango is very sweet and Delicious. The mango smell is very nice

Tej Madhu, 3 D


Highly nutritious. High in fiber and low in calories. Rich in antioxidants. May help control blood sugar. May protect your brain. May have anticancer effects.Good for your heart.Easy to add to your diet.

Devarsh.S, 2 C

Tamarind tree

Tamarind is a member of the pea has feather-formed leaves and yellow flower.The wood of tamarind tree is hard and is used to make furnitures.

Samiksha S, 2 C

Neem tree

The Neem tree may be the answer to our health and wellness needs. For centuries, the Neem tree has been an essential part of our life, health, and culture in both India and Asia. Every part of the Neem tree , from the bark and leaves to the root,fruit and seed -serve a purpose..

Thamanna Jiju, 6 B


Guava - (Psidium guajava) - small tropical tree or shrub of the family Myrtaceae - cultivated for its edible fruits. Guava trees are native to tropical America and are grown in tropical and subtropical areas worldwide. Guava fruits are processed into jams - jellies - and preserves and are common pastry fillings.

Arya R, 2 C


Save tree for better future

Muhammed Ishan.f, 7 B


We can make medicine with guava tree leaves and it give guava fruit

R.M.Dheekshith, 3 B


Scientific name is Phyllanthus emblica. Commonly known as Indian Gooseberry or Amla. It is the exact source of antioxidants, Vitamin C and E which may protects brain,hair care and fight against aging ,cancer , heart disease, diabetes.

Adwika Satheesh, 2 D


Papayas contain high levels of antioxidants vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Diets high in antioxidants may reduce the risk of heart disease. The antioxidants prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.

Gayathrisri.S, 5 B


I love Mangoes, So i planted a Mango tree



The teak is a hardwood. Scientific name of the teak is Tectona grandis.Teak is used for timber purposes. Teak furniture can be used for up to 1000 years. The teak tree, also known as 'Tharurajan',. It originates in South India. Teak is abundant in deciduous forests of Kerala.

Saayush. S, 2 D


Mango is called the king of all trees. Mango trees are too heavy. Mango is a good source of vitamines and minerals.

Udhav Krishna R S, 5 A


I have planted both Guava and pomegranate Trees, because I like both friuts. Pomegranate can help fight bacterial and fungal infections. Guavas are one of the richest food sources of vitamin C. Save trees,save Earth

Sreelakshmi S, 6 A


It is an medicine 🌲,it have a lots of leaves and branches etc.

Sithendu E.S, 8 C

10 o'clock flower

It is a flower.

Sreelakshmi V, 2 D


I have planted a mango tree sapling.Mango tree gives us mangoes which is our national fruit.Mango fruit is very tasty and is very rich in Vitamin A & C.Mango tree gives us shade and produces oxygen.

Nimitha S, 6 B


The tree is mainly known for its fruit rather than for its wood. The mango is a juicy fruit cultivated mostly for edible fruit. The tree gives us mangoes which is our favourite and national fruit.

Tanushree, 6 A


Tamarind is a leguminous tree bearing edible fruit it's very sour fruit

Taniha Rowan, 5 C

Rose apple tree( chambaka)

I planted a rose apple tree which is highly rich in nutrients like protein, fibre, calcium, iron,vitaminA and vitaminC. It is eaten as a fruit and can also be used for making pickles.

Vidhunandan V, 2 A


Mango tree is king of fruits. It gives us lots of mangoes..It is very healthy and tasty fruit.

Liya Fahadha J, 6 D


Guava - Psidium guajava - is an evergreen shrub or small tree in the family Myrtaceae grown for its edible fruits. Guava has a slender trunk with smooth green to red-brown bark.Guava produces solitary white flowers and a berry fruit.

Sravannya S, 8 A

green terminalia arjuna plant

I don't know

Vishnunath K, 6 C


Mango tree has lot of benefits. Mango is our national fruit and king of all fruits. It is rich source of Vitamin A, C & D. Mango trees can grow best in deep well drained soil.

A. Ananya Nair, 9 B


In this Environment Day, I preferred to plant a Banyan Tree sapling. .. You may ask why did you prefer this ? I came to know the significance of banyan tree . Studies say that, the Banyan Tree reduces the atmospheric temperature 3 degree Celsius to 5 degree Celsius, better than any other plants. But, SELFISH HUMAN are destroying the Banyan Tree as they are not interested to plant Banyan Tree saplings.

Arjun r nair, 4 D



Akarsha m, 2 D


Very different tree very fastly grow

Rithupal S, 3 C

Black berry

Commonly known as Malabar plum, Jamun or black plum.

Sreelekshmi Sudheer, 6 C


The plant that I have planted is mehendi it is very useful to us in many ways

Navaneeth.R.Krishna, 5 B


Tree give us fresh air and give fruits ...I like mangoes.

Aadhith Shankar, 6 D


Coconut Tree is our state tree , coconut oil is very good for health and skin, Tender coconut is very good cool drinks and good for health.

Fidha Rahman, 8 D


It's scientific name is Psidium guajava. It is known as പേര in malyalam.It belongs to the family Myrtaceae.Many of the species bear edible fruits - and for this reason several are cultivated commercially. I planted it in my mother's home.I planted it because there was no gauva tree.

Vasundhara KL, 5 D


First I have put jackfruit seed it is national fruit of Kerala - jack fruit is so tasty to eat - we can make so many dishes with it - jack fruit tree is useful for making furnitures. Second I have planted tamirant seed - tamirant tree have strong branches - tamiran tree's wood is used as firewood - Tamirant tree give shade - tamirant is used in many food items it is very tasty.



Mango, Mangifera indica, is an evergreen tree in the family Anacardiaceae grown for its edible fruit. The mango tree is erect and branching with a thick trunk and broad, rounded canopy. The leaves of the tree are are shiny and dark green. They are either elliptical or lanceolate with long petioles and a leathery texture. The tree produces dense clusters of flowers with cream-pink petals on branched panicles.

Gayathri, 2 D


I planted a little mango tree. Now it a little tree,one day it shade me and shelter for others.



A large green tree, valued mainly for its fruits both green and ripe. Mango is our national fruit. It is also a national tree of Bangladesh

Ritvik.R, 2 C

Guava tree

Guava is an evergreen shrub or small tree.Native place was Caribbean,Central America and South America. It is easily pollinated by insects.It produce sweet fruits.It's life span is 30-50 years.

Vyga R, 2 C

Jack fruit

Jackfruit is a tropical fruit, botanically known as Artocarpus heterophyllus. Jackfruit is a member of the mulberry family, and is the largest tree fruit in the world. Jackfruit is known for its dinosaur-egg look and its slightly odd smell when fully ripe. The common name, Jackfruit, is likely a variation of ‘jaca’, the Portuguese term for the giant fruit.

A. Chinmay Sreehari, 2 A


Chinmay Sreehari planted a Neem plant. It is s medicinal plant and commonly used for fever, diabetes etc. It's also good for applying some skin diseases.

Ayaan Rowel.A, 4 C


Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, commonly known as chaya, tree spinach, or spinach tree, is a large, fast-growing and leafy perennial shrub that is believed to have originated in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico.

Anirudh.A, 5 B

Curry leaf tree

leaves of curry leaf tree is edible.It is used in food items as flavour.It is good for health.It is also used as medicine.

Anirudh.H, 6 B


Mango is National fruit,It is a very tasty

Sanvi S, 2 D

Mango Tree

I planted Mango tree. It give us mango fruits, shadow and Oxygen. Mango is national fruit of our country.

Sreenitha.k, 10 B


I have planted Aotocarpus Heterophyllus -A jackfruit - also known as jack tree is species of tree in fig - Mullbeery and bread fruit family. It's origin is from the Western Ghats of southern india. It's kingdom is plantae. Generally it's off two types which are firm and soft.

Vedhasree, 3 D

Curry leaf

Curry leaf is used for cooking and making medicine it is very useful

Tanushka. G, 5 C

Jack fruit

Neem tree, Mango tree, Jack fruit tree and blueberry tree

Aron Sunny, 6 A

Drum Stick

As today is the world environment day i planted a drum stick tree .Moringa oleifera is a fast-growing - drought-resistant tree of the family Moringaceae. Common names include moringa - drumstick tree - horseradish tree - and ben oil tree or benzolive tree.Moringa oleifera may lead to modest reductions in blood sugar and cholesterol.

Aarsa. R, 5 C


The tree I planted is guava tree. It is a fruit tree. It is known for its fruit. It is also known for its long traditional use of medicinal remedy for numerous ailments. It is grown in tropical or subtropical regions. There are more than 10 varieties of guava trees.

S NeelanjanaBos, 10 D

Custard apple

Sir I have planted a Custard Apple Plant and I promise to water them daily and grow them with much care and protection.

Nivedya R, 5 D

Jamun Fruit /Indian Black Berry

Indian Black berry is precious but humble fruit It is rich in iron, minerals, Vit-A,Vit C and acts as a coolant and induces digestive power.

Layashree A, 4 A


Today I have planted a Thulsi plant. This plant creates positive energy and keep mosquito away. In this current covid 19 situation it is good to take Tulsi daily because it has vitamin A, C and zinc. It will act as a natural immunity booster and keep infections at Bay.

Akarsh P S, 6 A

Pomegranate plant

Bush or small tree of the family. The juicy of the fruit are eaten fresh, and the juice is the source if grenadine syrup, used in flavourings. Pomegranate is high in dietary fibre, folic acid, vitamin C& K

soonritha pranjali, 3 B


I have planted the seedling of a Mango Tree. Its botanical name is mangifera Indica. Mango is our National Fruit. Mango is also called King of fruits. There are different varieties of mango available in kerala

AnuNandha, 9 D


The mango has been known in India since very early times. It's significantly known as Mangifera indica..It is referred to in Sanskrit literature as Amra and has been under cultivation by man for over 4000 years. It appears, however, that Hsiian-tsang, one of the early travelers to India (632-645), was the first person to bring mango to the notice of people outside India.

Sivani A, 5 D


Mango tree

Pavithra R, 7 B


I have planted mango tree.

Vyshnav Varma VK, 12 C

Curry leaves

Curry leaf tree may be considered as a normal tree , but curry leaves are extensively used in India for culinary and Medical purposes. They are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fibers, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals like vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E etc. They are powerful antioxidants. It reduces the risk of cancer, And heart diseases.

Siddharth Sunil, 2 A


I planted a mango tree. It grows very big.It gives us fruits, shade, shelter, firewood etc .We make tasty pickle with mangoes.Ripe mangoes are very sweet and tasty.

Adhithi.S, 6 C


I planted mango tree. Fruits of Mango tree are green when they are newborn - and they turn into yellow and sweeter ones as they are ripe. Mango is a tasty fruit. Mango is national fruit in India

M.Righethaniyal, 10 A


I have planted jackfruit . Jackfruit is the state To make the coming future know about our state fruit I have planted jackfruit.



The almond is a species of tree native to Iran and surrounding countries and scientific name is prunus dulcis. Family name of almond is Rosacease.

Gopika R, 5 C


To get the Fruit

Thushara.R, 9 C

Jack fruit tree

I have planted a jackfruit tree also known as jack tree. jack fruit is the largest fruit in the world,it is widely cultivated in tropical regions of the world.

Haya p Jaison, 5 C


I have planted Gooseberry tree . High in fiber and low in calories. May help control blood sugar. Good for your heart. * Easy to add to your diet. * May have anticancer effect. May protect your brain.

Dhruvan SM, 2 A


I have planted 3 jackfruit trees. The jackfruit tree is 15 to 20 metres tall at maturity and has large stiff glossy green leaves about 15 to 20 cm long. It is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world - reaching upto 60cm long and weighing up to 18kg. It is very healthy and tastey fruit.

Adhanu.S, 6 D


The jackfruit, also known as jack tree, is a species of tree in the fig,mulberry, and breadfruit family. Scientific name of jackfruit tree is Artocarpus heterophyllus.

Dheeraj.s, 2 D


Tapioca is a food consisting of white grains ,rather like rice ,which come from the cassava plant .it provides only carbohydrate food value food value,and is low in protein, vitamins and is used as a thickening agent in various manufactured food.

Nandika K S, 7 D


Today on June 5th environmental day I have planted many coconut trees and Badam tree in my farm house. The benefit of planting the coconut trees to yield more coconuts. From the coconut we get coconut milk - cream and oil.

Aathmaj A, 2 D

Aadhisankar C S, 2 A


Mango tree. It gives us mangoes. It is our national fruit. Trees gives us shade. Trees gives shelter to birds and animals. Trees save Earth

Advaith.A, 4 C

Impatiens balsamina 

Impatiens balsamina, commonly known as balsam, garden balsam, rose balsam, is a species of plant native to India and Myanmar.It is an erect, sparsely-branched, tender annual that typically grows to 6-30” tall (depending on variety).



Ranil Raj, 2 B


I planted Tulsi. It has immense anti -bacterial, anti-viral and anti- fungal properties which protect us from a variety of infections.

Niranjan. R, 3 D


Alovera is a medicine plant. With this gel inside this plant use for wound from fire. That gel with remove the cholestrol in our body. That gel will help for sugar patients

Alphonse Issac P. V, 6 A


Manikara Zapota is an evergreen tree native to Southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. This is commonly referred to as Sapodilla in many countries. It is a long-lived tree that survives only in warm, tropical environments.

Thanmay Jiju, 6 B


The Mango tree is erect and branching with a thick trunk and broad - rounded canopy. The leaves of the tree are are shiny and dark green. Mango is also known as the 'love fruit' Mangoes are also loaded with vitamin A - making it a perfect fruit to improve eye sight.

Akshadha-P, 2 B

Custard Apple

I planted a custard apple tree. It help eye health. It prevent high blood pressure and promote good digestion.

Nandhana R, 2 D


Helps in Boosting your immunity in Guava there is Vitamin C which can help people to boost immunity

Akshainie.A.k, 2 C



Anusree S, 5 A

Pea plant

I have planted a pea plant today. Pea plant is a climber it need support. It is rich in protein


Jack Tree and Mango tree

MANGO TREE Its scientific name is Mangifera indica. Mango is known as the King of fruit .Mangoes protect our body against breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and leukaemia.It contain high level of vitamin C, fibre and pectin which helps in controlling high cholesterol level

Diya Sherin.S, 6 D

Sesbania Grandifbra

It is a useful Tree.We can eat it's leaf And it's very tasty

Hari Saran s, 4 B


Today I planted guava tree for environmental day observation .I choose my brother's favourite fruit . Guava is a tree which gives fruit in in all season. It is commonly seen in in Kerala it cleans itself by by shedding its outer layer outer of the tree

Aayush.P.N, 3 D

Custard apple

Custard apple:- custard apple or sweet apple can benefit eye's rich in vitamin A and C.helps to increase immunity. 2.Jungle Geranium:-it is a is a 2 flowering helps in Healing the wounds. 3.Tamarind :- Tamarind is rich in vitamin B and C. These can protect against diseases such as heart disease, cancer



Mango - Mangifera indica - is an evergreen tree in the family Anacardiaceae grown for its edible fruit. The mango tree is erect and branching with a thick trunk and broad - rounded canopy. The leaves of the tree are are shiny and dark green.

Sooraj Krishnan s, 6 D

Arecanut plam

This is also called betel tree because it's fruit,the arecanut, is often chewed along with the betel leaf

Divya Rani, 5 A


Tulsi generates more oxygen with respect other plants and it is medicinal plant. Tulsi plant also called Holly plant.

Dakshina A, 2 B

Almond Tree

It provides almond, which has so many medicinal values and gives shade and shelter to all.

divasaanvi.s, 2 C


Neem tree is a medicinal plant. Neem tree purifies the air during nighttime by emitting oxygen.

Navaneeth.M, 3 D


We have planted a pappaya plant and ajack fruit tree..!!!happy environment day


Amandus Dubius

Red Dubius is an annual herb native to South America,Mexico and the West Indies.This species has been widely introduced as a red vegetable for human consumption and as a medical herb.


കണ്ണും നട്ട് വളർത്താം മരങ്ങൾ നാളേക്ക് വേണ്ടി - നാടിന് വേണ്ടി🙏

Varnika.v, 2 B

Mango tree

Mango tree has a thick and broad trunk. It has heavy branching. Mango trees are mostly harvested in the months of April and May. Leaves, barks and frouts of mango tree are iseful of medical purpose.

Mohammed Fuad R, 2 D


I have planted a mango tree.

CH Krishna, 7 C


I planted a plantlet of mango tree which belongs to a variety of Alphonso which bear fruits known as the king of mangoes. From Mango fruits we get Vitamin A, B, b6.

Shreya, 5 A


I have planted a mango tree

Anurudhan k, 6 A

Indian almond

I planted indian almond tree.the seientific name of the tree is terminalia katappa.the plant is grow in topical region.the health benefits is promote brain health and healthy heart, prevent cancer

Nandhana. M, 6 A


I planted mango tree in my garden. Tree gives fresh air, shade, fruit etc. Mango is the national fruit of India.

Sreeranjini.S, 8 C


The mango tree is by erect and branching with be a think trunk and broad,rounded canopy . The leaves of the tree 🌲 are shiny and dark green. They are either elliptical or lanceolate with long petioles and a leathery texture. The tree 🎄 produces dense clusters of flowers with cream-pink petals on branched panicles.

Niyadevan.D, 5 B

Curry Leaf

In our day to day life we are using curry leaf which is an energy booster so we have to plant it in each and every house. I like mangoes very much so I have planted it too.

Apsara.S, 6 C


It is a mango tree it gives us so many mangoes.mangoes are vitamin A. it is good for skin & Eyes

Rithuparna-S, 6 A

Black berry

Black berry is a precious and humble fruit. It is Rich in iron, minerals, vitamins A and C and also acts as a coolent and induces digestive power.

Ashmita.k.m, 2 B

Jackfruit tree

It gives jackfruit. Ripe jackfruit are very sweet. It's wood is used for making furniture.its leaf is used as goat's food .

Nasiha fathima.A, 2 C


This is a jack fruit tree .It is a large tree. Jack fruit is juicy - sweet and delicious. It is bigger in size that other fruits.the jack fruit seeds are also used as food.



Jackfruit is the State fruit of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It is the national fruit of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The scientific name of jackfruit is Artocropus Heterophyllus. The height of jackfruit tree can be up to 20m. The pulp of jackfruit is starchy and fibrous

Mahadev k s, 2 A


Pappaya is a small usually with a single stem tree.It usually grows from 5 to 10 mtr tall with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk. The pappaya fruit is a large berry that is generally cylinder in form. Pappaya are loaded with vitamin A an antioxident, which helps in improving eye health. Its aids digestion, anti ageing and boostes immunity.

Ananya N S, 3 B

Mango Tree

I Planted a Mango tree.

Sreelakshmi P, 2 D

Curry Leaves

Save tree avoid pollution

Aman Rahman, 4 A

Malabar Tamarind

It's scientific name is Garcinia gummi-gutta.It belongs to the family clusiaceae. It is known as കുടംപുളി in malayam. The fruit looks like a small pumpkin and is green to pale in yellow.It is used in cooking - including in the preparation of curries.

Thanmaya.S, 4 B

Mango tree

mango is the national fruit of is the member of cashew are grown in tree wood is used as a material for worship.all the leaves of the mango tree never fall.



Mangoe the national fruit of India are mostly harvested across the months of April and May.Mango is rich in vitamins A, C, and D.Summer is the season when Indians wait for the king of fruits.It is a juicy fruit that is sweet and delicious. Unripe mangoes help in the preparation of tasty pickles.Mango leaves help in treating tumors and cancers.

Devika Prakash J, 6 A


I have planted a tamarind

Rohit B, 4 C


The tree which I have planted is a mango tree which gives us tasty fruit - mangoes to cook - gives us shade and is a good shelter for the birds - squirrels - and small creatures to build their home. It gives out oxygen which is very much essential for us and provides us good breathing - which makes our mind fresh.

Arya s, 6 D


Neem tree is also used by a medicine

Mayukha.K, 5 A

Indian beech

I have planted a Indian beech tree near the road side of my house to honour the world environment day. With botanical name of Pongamia pinnata , Indian beech tree grows very well in India. It is a very hardy deciduous tree, it tolerates cold and hot weather. It grow to a height of 80 feet.

Ananditha, 7 B


Guava tree

Dhruv S, 2 C

Dieffenbachia (dumb cane)

It Improves Indoor Air Quality. Best CO2 Absorbing Plant. Best Low Light Plant.Easy to Maintain. Create a Tropical Look. It's a Big Foliage Plant.



I have planted a amla tree

Sidharth.S, 4 B


Dwarf White Bauhinia is a small tree with nice and fragrant white flowers. It is very suitable as a garden plant .In Kerala, it is known by the name Vella Mandaram.

Yadhav shankar, 2 D

Indian goose berry

Reducing cholesterol,blood pressure and help hair growth,taste is sour






Mango - (Mangifera indica) - member of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae) and one of the most important and widely cultivated fruits of the tropical world. The mango tree is considered indigenous to southern Asia

Aradhika.M, 2 A


Guava is a common tropical fruit cultivated in many many contries like India. It's scientific name is Psidium guajava. The fruit is very delicious and available different colours inside Pink - White and yellow colours. It is having numerous medicinal properties - most common and popular traditional remedies for gastro intestinal infections like diarrhea, 2 D

Mango tree

Trees helps to bring rain on the earth

Anurag viju, 5 D

Mango tree

Mango tree protect against fact again May support healthy skin May banifit your hair May treats stomach ulcers I like mangoes My favourite one Verities mangoes are special taste

Esther Mariam Lavin, 2 D


I have planted a tree which give me fruits after five years

Arinjay s, 5 D


People eat the fruit and seeds of the jackfruit tree

Anjali B, 5 D


I planted a Jackfruit tree - it is the national fruit of Kerala - It is the biggest fruit.

Surag krishna.M, 6 C


The mango tree is mainly known for its fruit rather than for its us mangoes which are our favourite and national fruits .The common mango tree is the most widely planted and well-known member of the genus Mangifera. Designated by botanists as Mangifera indica, the tree is most famous for its delicious fruit, which is enjoyed by people all over the world.

Aparna V, 6 A

Curry Leaf

I have planted curry leaves has more medicinal value.we use every day with our is also called as sweet Neem is very healthy to our body.another variety of neeem plant



The scientific name of mango is Mangiferaindica, and it is considered as the King of all the other fruits. It is the national fruit of our country. Mango trees have an average life of 40 years. The leaves of mango tree are effective in curing low blood pressure, diabetes and kidney stones.



Nutmeg is a dark leaved evergreen tree cultivated for two spices derived from is fruit-nutmeg from its seed and mace from the seed covering. It is also a source of an essential oil and nutmeg butter

Aagney S Sundaranq, 2 A


Aagney planting a Tree

Rohit B, 4 C


The tree which I have planted is a mango tree which gives us sweety fruits and mango to cook food. It gives us shade and gives space for birds and other creatures to make home. The tree emits large amount of oxygen which is much useful for us to breathe. Plant trees and save environment from pollution.

Poojitha Sivadas K, 3 B

Curry leaf plant

I planted curry leaf plant. The leaves are highly aromatic. Its leaves are used for both medicinal and culinary applications.

Nandhana.J.K, 5 B

Mango Tree

I planted a mango Tree. Mango is our national fruit.

Darsan Dev D S, 2 D


I have planted a jackfruit tree.Jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world.The jackfruit tree is 15 to 20 metres tall at maturity and has large stiff glossy green leaves about 15 to 20 cm long.

Sreenandhan, 6 B

Curry leaf

Curry leaf is used for cooking and medicine

Evaniya sutheesh, 2 A


Mango is the national fruit of our country. It is called king of fruit. It is very sweet. It is used to make pickles. It gives shade.

Advaitha S, 4 C

Mango tree

We can get lots of mangoes from mango tree during summer There are many types of mango trees

Dhananjay T S, 1 B


Avacado is a good nutrient rich fruit.It increase digestion, It is good for cholectrol patients and prevent cancer.

Mohammed Arfan. A, 6 C


Mango tree is erect with many branches and thick trunk and broad round canopy. Mango is a most favorite and enjoyable fruit for many of the people. I love mango



I planted a guava tree . It give us guava fruit.guava tree is a tropical tree cultivated for its fruit .Its flower are white with five petals and numerous stamens.the fruit are many seeds berries .Its fruit shape is oval or pear shaped.It has many benefits . It also helps boost our imunity system

Aswanth.S, 2 C


Tullip plant is rich in vitamin C and zinc.It thus acts as a natural immunity booster and keeps infections at bay.It has immense anti - bacterial - anti- viral ant anti- fungal properties.

Pranav S, 3 A


The tree which is planted is a Guava tree - the guava fruit is very healthy and tasty

Anika Preman, 3 C

Jack fruit

State fruit of Kerala is Jack fruit. It is the biggest fruit. It has higher vitamins.



I planted the neem tree. It is a medicinal plant. It purifies and kills germs in our environment.

Vinay Krishna, 7 B


It is natave to the Indian subcontinent it fruit is non as Indian black berry

A Sidharth, 5 B


Guava-Is ever Green shrub. Guava produces solitary White flowers and berry fruit.The scientific name is Psidium guajava. It's family Myrtaceae.

Anagha Iyer, 7 B


Brinjal Plant. It is also known as Eggplant. It is an Indian origin plant. The plant need high temperatures to grow. They have a short growing season and can be harvested within 60days of planting.

Krishnalaya.K.S, 6 B


This is a mango tree plant it is a special variety of mango.I like mangoes very much.

Oviya.S, 5 A

Mango tree

The mango tree is erect and branching with a thick trunk and broad, rounded canopy. The leaves of the tree are are shiny and dark green. They are either elliptical or lanceolate with long petioles and a leathery texture. The tree produces dense clusters of flowers with cream-pink petals on branched panicles.

Shriyadas, 2 D


MANGO TREE:- Mango is the national fruit of India, Mango comes in the summer holidays.

Sidhilakdhmi U, 3 D

Custard Apple

Save trees save earth custard apple is very usedul fruit to all age people.

Aniket S, 3 C

Aniket S

Mango is the national fruit of India. It is a very juicy pulpy and luscious is a rich source of various vitamins and minerals.

Afwan. A, 3 C


Gooseberry tree



I planted a Jackfruit tree. Jackfruit was designated state fruit by Government of Kerala in 2018. People eat the fruit and seeds of jackfruit tree as food or as medicine. Jackfruit is taken by mouth as an aphrodisiac or for diabetes. Jackfruit paste is applied to the skin for poisonous bites. Also, the wood of the jackfruit tree is used to make furniture or musical instruments.

Daksha Sivadas KP, 5 B

Mango tree

Mango is the national fruit of India and Pakistan and the national tree of Bangladesh. Ripened mangoes are sweet,tasty and rich source of Vitamin C.Trees give us shade.

Prathvin KM, 2 A


Mango tree - mango is our national fruit

Niya.M, 3 D


We planted a jack fruit it help us so much on this lock down times

Saanvi S, 6 A


The pomegranate has a rounded hexagonal shape. It has a thick hard reddish skin and contains a large number of seeds. It has sweet - tangy taste


Jack Tree and Mango tree

JACK TREE Its scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus. Jackfruit is the largest tree fruit in the world. The pigments that give jackfruit its yellow colour are high in vitamin A. Jack fruit help to prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease, as well as eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration.

Maadhav Shankar, 2 B

Jack fruit

Jack fruit tree. Jack fruit is the state fruit of kerala

Nishant a kishore, 7 B


Purifies the air

Oliviya Thambi, 4 B


Today June 5 World Environment day . I planted one tree on my garden . India's National fruit - yes our mango tree . I like mango tree very much . It's colour is beautiful . When it grow it is very useful for human and all other birds

Devna Bibin, 2 C


I have planted a mango sapling. Mango is the king of fruits. I love mangoes.

Farzin. F, 5 B


Spinach is a herb. The leaf is used as food

Anjanasree.n, 7 A

Chili plant

I planted Chili plant

Nithin.N, 6 B


Hibiscus is a red plant of Kerala

Shruthika prakash, 5 C


The scientific name of the tree is Carica papaya is originated from Central America.It is a small tree with single stem The fruit of the tree is very nutritious and have rich content of vitamins

V.Amrutha, 7 C


People eat the fruit and seeds of jackfruit tree as food or as medicine. fruit paste is applied to the skin for poisonous bites.Jackfruit is National fruit of Kerala. Without trees is an unimaginable life



I planted a mango tree - which when become big gives lots of mangoes and shelter to so many birds and squirrels

Arundhathi A, 2 A

Curry Leaf

I have planted a curry leaf plant - it uses in cooking and helps us in digestion - good for eyesight.

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