General English - Common Errors 3
Click on the correct sentence from the pair given in the following sentences.
The infantry were on the march
The infantry was on the march
British usage prefers infantry as plural
The people was looking at the leader
The people were looking at the leader
The word people is predominantly plural, though it can be singular
The poultry are reared everywhere
The poultry is reared everywhere
A few collective nouns, though singular in form, are always used as plurals. Examples are: cattle, poultry, people, gentry etc.
The news of his demise were received clamly
The news of his demise was received clamly
"news" is a singular noun
Optics are taught in laboratories
Optics is taught in laboratories
Optics is followed by a singular verb: Optics is a branch of physics
Courtesy: Mrs. Rugmini Menon, TGT English for preparing questions and guidance in creating the exercises